- Designed & developed an interactive web application that visualizes historical data of COVID-19

- Used React.js, TypeScript, Mapbox to build a front-end and deployed to Google App Engine

- Used Go, gRPC to build an automated back-end system and deployed to Google Cloud Run

- Utilized Google DeepMind’s Deep RL program called MuZero to train Korean chess Janggi to AI

- Published the first open-sourced Python library for Janggi to PyPi as an official Python package

- Implemented an OpenAI Gym environment that can be used for various Deep RL frameworks

- Developed an iOS application that users can post and answer polls that are shared within the community of Carnegie Mellon University

- Utilized Google Firebase’s Cloud Firestore for cloud database, Node.js for data transmission, SwiftUI for front-end, and Swift for back-end

Upcoming Projects


Currently working with two other engineers as a team to build a chrome extension that filters/summarizes web content using NLP.


Simple WatchOS app that sends notifications for reminders and shows progress for daily goals

dApp Project (TBD)

Decentralized application (Blockchain)

Brainstorming… 🧠

Learning… ✏️