Software Engineer

Aurora Innovation (2020-2022)

- Led a project to fully migrate an internal map system from Uber Map Model to OpenStreetMap 

- Built a system in Python that protects and retires millions of logs from autonomous vehicles 

- Managed routing system in C++ for data collection drives and contributed to React.js frontend 

Software Engineer Intern

Uber ATG (2019)

- Added a 3D lidar data visualization layer to an existing map system using React and Redux

- Built a C++ microservice that preprocesses point cloud data that fastened the process by 20%

- Improved visibility of the front-end by enabling customization of point clouds using WebGL


Software Engineer Intern

Amazon Web Services (2016)

- Developed an internal Ruby-on-Rails website that searches millions of AWS server hardware

- Enabled AWS engineers and managers to search hardware in data centers all across the globe

- Linked the new web application to an existing CLI tool that runs hardware vetting tests